Are you taking a chance?

Are you taking a chance?

Living in New Jersey and Eastern PA it is not uncommon for many of us to make the pilgrimage at least once every summer to go ‘Down the Shore’ for a day trip or extended stay. If you’ve been able to get there yet this season you have likely noted that the water is exceptionally warmer compared to more recent years.

With a Bermuda high stuck off the coast for weeks, ocean temps have warmed up nicely. However, while the warm water is great for summer fun, it is also a factor for fueling tropical storm development. Are you better prepared now then at this time nearly 4 years ago?

A point recently noted by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center’s lead seasonal hurricane forecaster, Gerry Bell, “We’ve raised the numbers (of named Atlantic storms for 2016) because some conditions now in place are indicative of a more active hurricane season.”*

Now before we go further, let’s go on the record.
We certainly do not want to be one of those people shouting that the sky is falling with every weather report of pending Armageddon.

BUT TO BE FAIR, this report is highlighting that conditions exist for a potential increase in Atlantic tropical storm activity. While there is no clear indication at this time on whether or not one will directly affect New Jersey, we should all take note that it has been nearly 4 years since Sandy struck. The law of averages and today’s warm ocean environment make the case that we should, at the very least, be ready for a return of another powerful hit on our regions shore points.

So, take a moment to consider if your facility is better prepared now than at this time in 2012.

Let’s evaluate the challenges that faced many businesses during Sandy; some of which left them without enough electrical coverage or without generator power entirely. A short list might include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Insufficient fuel supply for extended run times
  • Buildings with only partial generator power
  • Parts availability for very old generators
  • Generators installed below flood levels

Sandy was a big wake up call for regional businesses. In an effort to avoid either a repeat situation or enhance their ability to withstand another long power outage, many facility owners have since;

  • Installed larger fuel tanks on-site to enable a longer off-grid run time
  • Added additional generators or increased the size of pre-Sandy generators to provide power to more building systems
  • Elected to replace aging generators with more reliable technology
  • Increased their personal on-site inventory of hard to find parts to reduce potential downtime
  • Relocated vulnerable generators from flood-prone areas to higher ground

Perhaps your company fared well during Sandy. If so, that’s great news and a testament to your commitment to proper generator maintenance. However, did you skate through, all the while crossing your fingers and hoping that everything will be okay?

Four years is a long time. Are you better prepared now or are you once again going to take a chance?

Should you have concerns about whether your generator is capable of sustaining an extended power outage, call us for a FREE consultation.
Our experienced team at P3 generator Services will be happy to review your generator assets and offer best practice recommendations based on your individual requirements.

Schedule Your FREE Consult Today



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