Diesel Fuel: Don’t Store and Ignore

P3 Fuel Management Services

Diesel Fuel: Don’t Store and Ignore

How to ensure reliable generator operation and protect your equipment

Fuel is arguably the most critical component of your emergency power system, yet likely the least maintained, as evidenced by the fact that fuel related issues are the number one reason for 95% of generator fail-to-start faults. Proper fuel maintenance is critical to ensuring your generator will perform its best when you need it the most.

Do you know what’s in your fuel storage tank?

Mark Stellmach, President of New Jersey based Fuel Management Services recently addressed this issue by highlighting these basic points regarding today’s diesel fuel that every facility manager should know:

  1. Why it’s important to pay attention to stored fuel,
  2. The 4 major contaminants to guard against, and
  3. How testing can ensure reliable generator operation.

His article, Diesel Fuel: Don’t Store and Ignore, is a must read for anyone using and storing diesel fuel. It can be found in the March/April Issue of Powerline magazine, a bi-monthly generator industry publication of the Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA).

A Trusted Partner for P3 Customers

P3 spent considerable effort researching and vetting potential fuel testing vendors before teaming with Mark and Fuel Management Services. His experience and recognition within the generator industry is unmatched. We are both proud and confident of the services his team helps us provide our customers. We encourage you to read this report.

Read “Diesel Fuel: Don’t Store and Ignore”

You can find the entire Mar/Apr 2017 Edition of EGSA Powerline by clicking here.
Learn more about proper Fuel Management, contact us today!

P3 Generator Services | 908-454-1124 | Email
7 Edge Road, Alpha, NJ 08865




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