A Money Saving Benefit of Remote Monitoring

Another piece to help complete the puzzle of proper generator maintenance. Why should I invest in remote monitoring for our generator when we already have maintenance personnel on staff that do just that? This is certainly a valid point and one we hear quite often. However, having a remote monitoring solution for your emergency generator […]
Generator Maintenance – a puzzle not too difficult to solve

Quality generator maintenance means so much more than simply changing fluids. Think of it as a puzzle where every element is integral to the solution and each one uniquely connects to the other. Success is only gained when every piece is carefully put into place. And a puzzle with missing pieces is unsolvable. Is your […]
Member: Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce

P3 Generator Services is proud to have joined the huge association of businesses that make up the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce which represents Warren County, NJ and the Pennsylvania counties of Northampton, Lehigh, Carbon. #LVCC #thechamber
The Cooling System Flush: Why, When, What, and How Much

The Cooling System Flush – An uninteresting topic? Think again. This one may save you from thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs and sudden generator failure. Radiator failures can be huge expenses that may leave your generator unusable for days while parts are ordered and repairs made. A situation that can leave any building manager […]
What is wet stacking and what to do about it?

Preventing side effects from diesel wet-stacking Weekly runs of a diesel generator are certainly important to lubricate moving parts and ensure starting. However, they are typically not run under load and therefore do not allow the engine to reach proper operating temperature. Over time carbon deposits from unburnt fuel will build up in the combustion […]
NJDOH releases clarity statement on generator regs

Recently, nursing home facilities throughout the state of New Jersey received a letter from the NJ Department of Health clarifying the State’s position regarding generator requirements. This notification highlighted two main points; annunciators and load testing regulations, areas that we, as a generator service provider, have fielded the most inquiries about over the past year. […]
Communication is Key to Saving Money

Help your generator service team to help you better … and SAVE you money too. While regular maintenance can greatly reduce the chances that your generator will have an operational failure, sometimes events occur that require an emergency dispatch from your service provider’s On-Call team. This is when your help is critical to getting the […]
Fuel Management FAQs
With the rising cost of diesel fuel P3 Generator Services has more recently been asked about how to best maintain and protect the investment of fuel already in the tank. This is good news as it means that our message about the importance of fuel management is resonating. However, we are discovering that there is […]
How to Prepare Your Generator for Any Weather Emergency

Generator Maintenance is a Team Sport. Our goal at P3 Generator Services has never been to strike alarm or concern with every storm that could potentially hit our region. But with the recent effects of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and now others churning across the Atlantic, it is clear that we are certainly in the throes […]
Remembering the Northeast Blackout of 2003

Originally posted on 08/14/2017 (edited) Are you better prepared today? Today marks the anniversary of the Great Northeast Blackout of 2003 On August 14th, 2003, hot and humid weather conditions prevailed across the region straining utilities with the increased demand on electrical service. Shortly after 4 o’clock that afternoon, over-heated power lines in Ohio sagged […]