Rodents Kill Generators – Here’s How to Stop Them

What you need to know. This time of the year, mice and other small rodents will seek winter shelter by making nests in protected areas away from the cold. The warm confines of your generator enclosure are inviting to these unwelcome guests. Once inside, these pests will chew on wires, build nests, and wreck havoc to […]
Neglected Fuel Results in Major Generator Repair Costs

Don’t let this happen to you. Why pay attention to the diesel fuel in your generator storage tank? Because doing so might prevent a costly remediation and repair bill. A little attention to the fuel in the tank could have saved the owner of this generator nearly $13,000 in repairs. Here’s what happened.
The BEST time for a generator failure is ….
Noon on a clear day, or 2 AM during a storm. When do you want to hear about your generator problems? We’ll take bets that it’s not the latter. Yet many facility managers have the same fear. Will their generator perform as expected when the power goes out in the middle of the night? Discovering […]
What you can’t see might be killing your generator.

When a generator fails to start or is running poorly the first thing people think is that there must be a mechanical issue. Yet surprisingly, most performance issues can be traced back to bad fuel quality. Here’s why you should care.
Fuel Management FAQs
With the rising cost of diesel fuel P3 Generator Services has more recently been asked about how to best maintain and protect the investment of fuel already in the tank. This is good news as it means that our message about the importance of fuel management is resonating. However, we are discovering that there is […]
TECH UPDATE: Avoid auto-exercising
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON AUTOMATIC EXERCISING OF EMERGENCY GENERATORS As per the EPA, emergency and stand-by generators are prohibited from operating for exercise or non-emergency purposes on days that are classified as being of poor air quality. Relying solely on your auto-exercise settings for weekly automatic run times places you at significant risk of having your […]
Good air, bad air, and what it all means

Originally Published on 6/08/2015 Is the Air Clean Enough to Test Run my Emergency Generator? By now most facility managers are well aware that test running their emergency generator on a regular schedule can be affected depending upon whether or not it is a good air day or bad. However, Are you aware that bad air […]